I'm a BzzAgent and I was really excited to be invited to join the Garnier Olia campaign! I dyed my hair back to black last year and have let my roots grow out because it's just easier to maintain, but the one thing about going back to black is when I get white hairs. White on black is like "Look here! I have white hair!" Not pretty. I originally had bought black dye a couple months ago with very intention of dying my hair last month, but I got lazy and the last time I dyed it black, it got extremely messy. If you dye your hair at home, then you know you have to open all the windows and turn on fans because of the ammonia. It's winter. I don't want to freeze to death! One of the best things about this product is that there is no ammonia smell and even though they say it has a nice floral scent... it's not that pleasant either.
Unlike traditional haircolor, Oila uses an exclusive 60% oil blend, with natural flower oils, in the colorant. The unique oil-based formula maximizes the coloring process to achieve permanent color results. It propels colorants deep into hair, without ammonia, for pure, vivid, long-lasting color. Olia visibly improves and restores the look of hair, as oils help to reverse roughness and dullness for softer, shinier hair with bounce.
Color choices. Considering I already have dark hair, going lighter isn't really a smart option unless I want to end up looking like Tony the Tiger. Instead of going black, I just went with the darkest brown (shade 3.0). Truthfully, you can't even tell I dyed my hair and I think that's why I chose this shade. I know when I dyed my hair black, it was obvious that it was fake black and I had to wait a couple weeks for it to fade. So far, my hair has not washed out... you know, washing your hair the day after and seeing your dye on your towel... ick!
If you're the type to dye your hair at home, I highly recommend trying out Garnier Olia! It was on sale at Walgreens for $9.99, but I got mine for free thanks to BzzAgent. Also, if you're not a BzzAgent yet, I highly recommend!
I am in no way affiliated or paid by BzzAgent or Garnier for this product review. All opinions are 1000% my own.
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